Truth - Honest

Private Policy and Terms

Close Ties iOS and Android apps do not and forever will not display ads. We do not share data to any 3rd party or use it to generate revenue. Our business model is simple, and we offer in-app purchases. We use analytics to improve our apps and fix bugs, and this data is used for development purposes only.

What we collect and how we use them:

  • Phone numbers, Email addresses, and names that you used to log in to the app are collected only to create your account.
  • The messaging data including images, audios, and location data that you send to another person is encrypted and saved in our Firebase backend server so that you can load them later in any devices at anytime. All messages and attachments in a conversation are permanently deleted from our server when both sender and recipient leave the conversation. These data are only accessible by sender and the recipient, not used for commercial purposes whatsoever, and solely stored for the users themselves.

How do we protect your data:

  • All messages and data are server side encrypted in our Firebase server, and the communications between the iOS and Android devices are done via HTTPs connections.
  • Your data has not and will never be accessed by someone other than you and whoever else you are chatting with.
  • The app's backend is built entirely on Google's Firebase, and its security rules and JSON webtokens passed around in every network request make your data secure. Firebase is secure; hence, Close Ties app is secure. Only you have access to your data, guarenteed.
  • Architecturally, we limit the power of iOS and Android apps so that they must go through our secured backend server in order to perform most of the tasks such as sending messages, adding/deleting accounts, sharing stories, etc.


  • You cannot use this service for anything illegal as defined by the law of your country.
  • You cannot use this service to bully or consistently harass anyone. You can easily block a person; this will delete all of the old messages and prevent all future communication with that person.
  • You can unsubscribe to SMSs and Emails from us either in the app or by clicking Blocking and Unsubscribe Settings in the SMSs and Emails themselves that we sent to you.

Contact us at for any questions, suggestions, or concerns.

Truth Honest Messaging, Inc.
Office Address:
21 W End Ave, Apt 1415
New York, New York 10023